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Overhead Garage Door

Overhead Garage Door

From speedy emergency assistance to comprehensive repair and complete maintenance, our residential garage door company offers it all.

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Glass Garage Doors

Glass Garage Doors

We have the means, expertise and knowledge to provide complete glass garage door repair services

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Garage Door Springs

Garage Door Springs

We are acknowledged leaders in garage doors and are the best in the city for the repair and maintenance of garage door springs.

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High quality services for any electric garage door issues.

The quality of our work is evident by the testimonials of our customers. Read about their experience.

Fast response, immediate cable repair

It was certainly a coincidence but both times I sought assistance with Garage Door Repair Chicago was late at night. So, I guess the first thing that impressed me the most was their speed when I told them my cable was broken and the fact that they DID work. The truth is that they didn't stop amazing me the whole time they were working. They came fully equipped and both times they completed the job at once, they were very friendly and still dedicated to their work and before they left they also told me two jokes. How cool!

Professional garage door technicians

When I moved to my new house I noticed that the garage door panel wasn't in the best possible condition. A friend suggested Garage Door Repair Chicago and indeed a couple of technicians came over to check the door panel. I thought they would suggest me to have a garage door panel replacement and I was very anxious about the new expenses. Instead of getting the chance to sell me a new door, they suggested garage door panel repair. They managed to fix the door perfectly!

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